Please ensure you have not eaten, consumed drinks, smoked or chewed gum in the 30 minutes prior to undertaking a saliva based rapid antigen test as this can affect the results. Wash your hands prior to use.
Instructions of use
Wash hands
Remove the rapid antigen (RAT test) from the green wrapper and place the base on a table
Pull the pen apart to remove the saliva collector from the base
Take the plastic cap off to expose the mouth piece
Cough into your mouth 4 times to bring phlegm forward from the back of the throat. THIS STEP IS IMPORTANT TO PREVENT FALSE NEGATIVES.
Place the mouth piece on top, underneath or to the side of the tongue
Set a clock timer for 2 minutes. Note - this is quite a long time, it helps if you have a stopwatch, clock or timer handy.
After 2 minutes has lapsed, take the rapid antigen test pen mouth piece out and place it back into the base.
Ensure the base is pushed in by pressing down hard on the pen. The top of the base must align to the middle of the two blue lines. THIS STEP IS IMPORTANT TO PREVENT FALSE NEGATIVES*
Set your clock timer for 15 minutes. You must read your Ecotest Rapid Antigen (RAT Test) result between 15-30 minutes after taking the test. If you read the results after 30 minutes, you must re-take a test.
Read your results. There should be a red control line present at the top of the test. If there is no control line present, the RAT Test result is invalid and you must re-take a test. If there is a second red line present underneath, this means you have received a POSITIVE result. Even if there is only a faint line present, you must consider this a POSITIVE RESULT and immediately isolate.
Dispose of the test kit in the waste bag provided.
What to do if you test positive for COVID-19 using an Ecotest Saliva Rapid Antigen Test?
If you receive a POSITIVE RESULT from your Rapid Antigen Test (RAT TEST) you must immediately isolate, practice social distancing and hygiene measures. Follow the latest health advice from your state or jurisdiction. Keeping yourself hydrated and making sure you receive plenty of rest may assist. If you experience difficulty breathing or shortness of breath seek immediate medical attention. Call 000 in Australia or your nearest doctor for advice on what to do.
What to do if you test negative for COVID-19 using an Ecotest Saliva Rapid Antigen Test?
If you receive a NEGATIVE RESULT from your Rapid Antigen Test (RAT TEST) you must continue to wear a mask and social distance until symptoms resolve. A negative result to a rapid antigen test may not exclude you exposure to COVID-19. Follow the latest health advice from your state or jurisdiction.